What Is Your Expectation of Aging?

What if we were to tell you that you have the ability to not only age gracefully, but to also age with style, vigor, and all of the energy needed to feel like you were in your prime?

There are specific strategies that will make this your reality and this is our vision for every member in our community.

Most people operate from a place where a limited life as a senior is expected and expedited deterioration is thought of as normal.

They give up on their hobbies.
They make excuses to their family.
They stop truly experiencing life and everything it has to offer.

The challenge is that aging in guaranteed but thriving is by choice.

The key is making conscious and intentional decisions when it comes to health regardless of age!

You definitely know this song...

I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys’ R Us Kid!

Well, our vision for all of our practice members is to change this tune to the following…

I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Create AnewU Health Ministry Kid!

This is why we are hosting an event that you must attend called THRIVE - Aging Gracefully
and Loving Life! on Sunday, March 31st 8:30 am CDT at We Got Your Back Chiropractic Clinic.

At this event, we will discuss a lifestyle that will enable you to reverse the aging process for every year of life.

This experience is for EVERYONE - people in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60,’s, 70's, and onward.

Aging gracefully begins RIGHT NOW and once you become aware of what it takes - the entire experience is fulfilling and fun - PLUS you start to feel like a Create AnewU Health Ministry Kid!

Hosted by:


In order to determine if this experience is right for you, please answer the following questions:

1 - Do you want to be a sedentary senior who walks around in pain and is unable to experience life?

2 -Do you want to gain an extra 30lbs in your later years simply because you are unable to move?

3 - Do you want to watch your grandchildren playing in the park from a bench instead of joining in?

4 - Do you want to be on the sidelines of the dance floor when your grandchild is getting married?

5 - Do you want to stop travelling because you simply don’t have the energy?

If you answered “YES” to any of the questions from above, then it is probably a good idea to keep on doing what you are already doing because you are on the right track for you...


If you answered “NO” to any or all of the questions from above (hopefully all of them), then please make sure that you click on the link above and RSVP for an event that is going to help you THRIVE!

We Can’t Wait to See You on Sunday, March 31st at 8:30 am CDT!

When And Where
From March 31, 2019 - 08:30 AM To 9:30 AM CDT
110 Vintage Park Blvd. HOUSTON 77070 United States